NLC ou Nouvelles Lectures Cosmopolites est un groupe français de musique ambiante/dark/drone/electro basé à Céret et existant depuis 1989.
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: October 13, 2023
L'épopée des croisades is a track in 7 movements. Movement 1 is called "au coeur des prieurés", then "départ d'Europe", "les armées de Saladdin sont en route", "veillée aux armes", "vagues d'assauts", "la bataille de Jérusalem", and last movement is called "assaut final", all is mixed in one track, for (See more) an immersive experience.
This majestic masterpiece was created by Slawowycz and Julien Ash (Nouvelles Lectures Cosmopolites), and what a surprise, when the day after 1rst track was created on this theme, to see a war on holy land of Israel !!
La première croisade débute en 1096. Son appellation est sans équivoque : "pèlerinage en armes".
Aucun animal ou humain n'a été blessé ni maltraité durant l'enregistrement de cet album.
This majestic masterpiece was created by Slawowycz and Julien Ash (Nouvelles Lectures Cosmopolites), and what a surprise, when the day after 1rst track was created on this theme, to see a war on holy land of Israel !!
La première croisade débute en 1096. Son appellation est sans équivoque : "pèlerinage en armes".
Aucun animal ou humain n'a été blessé ni maltraité durant l'enregistrement de cet album.
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: August 9, 2023
A memorial for what happened on Aug 6th & 9th, 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. May this never happen anymore.
Part 1 of the memorial by 1414E08 & Vaders Orchestra, Vader one 2 nine
Part 1 of the memorial by 1414E08 & Vaders Orchestra, Vader one 2 nine
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: August 4, 2023
A compilation of tracks featured in various compilations from 2022 to 2023.
Links below.
Links below.
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: July 15, 2023
Here is our first collaboration with my friend Fab, thanks are due to him, we have discovered unusual soundscapes... hope you'll enjoy the trip !
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: July 9, 2023
Harald Bertram aka 1414E08 kindly asked me to remix his track "she is watching you", here is the result.
Artwork by Harald Bertram aka 1414E08.
Artwork by Harald Bertram aka 1414E08.
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: June 2, 2023
Digisleeve CD edition from attenuation circuit
attenuation circuit ° ACU 1053 ° 2023
attenuation circuit ° ACU 1053 ° 2023
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: May 5, 2023
This is a compilation of the remixes I did for Innocent but Guilty, either for open remix projects or for specific collaborations. This album is still open and I'll add new contributions from time to time...
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: March 3, 2023
Voici donc un EP pour les amis... 5 titres à prix libre, c'est d'ailleurs le cas aussi pour la version de l'album (wow gazoline track 8), dérivés du nouvel album "WOW GAZOLINE". Le titre "another messy afternoon at the pub" a déjà été remixé par Aloïs L. et vous est (See more) maintenant offert aussi en pâture dans sa version originale complétée par la piste rythmique du remix d'Aloïs. 11 stems sans effets, ne me les demandez pas ils sont aléatoires donc non reproductibles. Si vous voulez m'honorer de votre présence dans cet album ouvert, il n'y a pas de deadline, prenez votre temps. Si vous préférez un autre track de l'album, demandez-le moi directement, certains sont remixables aussi si vous le souhaitez. Les interprètes sont les bienvenus également (pensez que le titre 8 de l'album est à prix libre aussi, n'hésitez donc pas à utiliser cette version, ou me demander un autre titre si vous le souhaitez). J'ai choisi ce titre en particulier car le pitch est simplissime mais assez accrocheur, il alterne le majeur et le mineur et peut se décliner du festif au dramatique sans trop d'imagination. On peut donc aller assez loin, probablement très loin, voire trop loin avec cet équipement de départ. Vous avez bien sûr carte blanche pour déstructurer, mixer, élaguer, saucissonner et ajouter ce que vous souhaitez, deux seuls impératifs : un résultat inférieur à 600 Mb et qui se situe quelque part entre Throbbing Gristle, Aznavour, Village People et la musique traditionnelle japonaise. A vous de jouer et merci d'avoir parcouru toutes ces lignes ! J'ai rajouté les pistes séparées du remix de Jordane, celui-ci vous propose d'aller plus loin si vous le souhaitez...
BPM 120 - motif bouclé sur 9 mesures - si mineur à la base - sign 4/4
So here is an EP for friends... 5 tracks at name-your-price, derived from the new album "WOW GAZOLINE", the track "another messy afternoon at the pub" has already been remixed by Aloïs L. and is now offered to you also in its original version completed by the rhythmic track of the remix of Aloïs. 11 stems without effects, don't ask me for them, they are random and therefore not reproducible. If you want to honor me with your presence in this open album, there is no deadline, take your time. If you prefer another track from the album, ask me directly, some are remixable too if you want. Vocalists are welcome too. I chose this track in particular because the pitch is simplistic but quite catchy, it alternates major and minor and can be declined from festive to dramatic without too much imagination. So you can go quite far, probably very far, even too far with this starting equipment. You have of course carte blanche to destructure, mix, destroy, and add what you wish, two only imperatives : a result lower than 600 Mb and which is somewhere between Throbbing Gristle, Aznavour, Village People and Japanese traditional music. It's up to you and thank you for having read all these lines ! Please note that wow gazoline's track 8 is also "name-your-price" ! I added Jordane Prestrot's stems at the end, if you want to complete his work...
BPM 120 - looped pattern on 9 bars - B minor basically - sign 4/4
BPM 120 - motif bouclé sur 9 mesures - si mineur à la base - sign 4/4
So here is an EP for friends... 5 tracks at name-your-price, derived from the new album "WOW GAZOLINE", the track "another messy afternoon at the pub" has already been remixed by Aloïs L. and is now offered to you also in its original version completed by the rhythmic track of the remix of Aloïs. 11 stems without effects, don't ask me for them, they are random and therefore not reproducible. If you want to honor me with your presence in this open album, there is no deadline, take your time. If you prefer another track from the album, ask me directly, some are remixable too if you want. Vocalists are welcome too. I chose this track in particular because the pitch is simplistic but quite catchy, it alternates major and minor and can be declined from festive to dramatic without too much imagination. So you can go quite far, probably very far, even too far with this starting equipment. You have of course carte blanche to destructure, mix, destroy, and add what you wish, two only imperatives : a result lower than 600 Mb and which is somewhere between Throbbing Gristle, Aznavour, Village People and Japanese traditional music. It's up to you and thank you for having read all these lines ! Please note that wow gazoline's track 8 is also "name-your-price" ! I added Jordane Prestrot's stems at the end, if you want to complete his work...
BPM 120 - looped pattern on 9 bars - B minor basically - sign 4/4
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: March 3, 2023
NLC's latest studio album, music for road trips.
Cet album est léger, presque désinvolte, et grave aussi. Désinvolte car c'est la bande-son d'un road movie dans le Nord-Est des U.S.A., à l'époque où l'essence là-bas était à un prix dérisoire et permettait des escapades insensées, qui maintenant paraîtraient irresponsables. Grave car (See more) le voyage, surtout nocturne, dans un pays inconnu, réveille en nous des fantasmes enfouis, des peurs presque infantiles, et nous permet des rencontres parfois surréalistes. Et à un moment, on se retrouve dans la peau de Candace/Mary dans le Carnaval des Âmes de Herk Harvey, que l'on entend dans l'album. On ne reconnaît plus le monde alentour. Non pas que ce monde a changé, mais comme on le découvre lors du pitch final, que c'est nous qui avons changé. Bon voyage...
This album is light, almost casual, and serious too. Offhand because it's the soundtrack of a road movie in the Northeast of the U.S.A., at the time when gaZoline there was at a ridiculous price and allowed insane escapades, which now would seem irresponsible. Serious because the journey, especially at night, in an unknown country, awakens in us buried phantasms, almost infantile fears, and allows us sometimes surreal encounters. And at one point, we find ourselves in the skin of Candace/Mary in Herk Harvey's Carnival of Souls, which we hear on the album. We no longer recognize the world around us. Not that this world has changed, but as we discover during the final pitch, it is we who have changed. Have a nice trip...
Cet album est léger, presque désinvolte, et grave aussi. Désinvolte car c'est la bande-son d'un road movie dans le Nord-Est des U.S.A., à l'époque où l'essence là-bas était à un prix dérisoire et permettait des escapades insensées, qui maintenant paraîtraient irresponsables. Grave car (See more) le voyage, surtout nocturne, dans un pays inconnu, réveille en nous des fantasmes enfouis, des peurs presque infantiles, et nous permet des rencontres parfois surréalistes. Et à un moment, on se retrouve dans la peau de Candace/Mary dans le Carnaval des Âmes de Herk Harvey, que l'on entend dans l'album. On ne reconnaît plus le monde alentour. Non pas que ce monde a changé, mais comme on le découvre lors du pitch final, que c'est nous qui avons changé. Bon voyage...
This album is light, almost casual, and serious too. Offhand because it's the soundtrack of a road movie in the Northeast of the U.S.A., at the time when gaZoline there was at a ridiculous price and allowed insane escapades, which now would seem irresponsible. Serious because the journey, especially at night, in an unknown country, awakens in us buried phantasms, almost infantile fears, and allows us sometimes surreal encounters. And at one point, we find ourselves in the skin of Candace/Mary in Herk Harvey's Carnival of Souls, which we hear on the album. We no longer recognize the world around us. Not that this world has changed, but as we discover during the final pitch, it is we who have changed. Have a nice trip...
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Ringard Willycat je viens d'écouter chroniques, j'aime beaucoup l'ambiance, je pensais qu'on pouvait pas mettre de lecteur dans une playlist, je découvre merci
Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: January 1, 2023
All music written and performed by Innocent but Guilty and Nouvelles Lectures Cosmopolites. Recorded from August to October 2022.
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: November 4, 2022
This is the first NLC album in NLC's new era (starting 2021) with the complete historical line-up, as in Threatening Devices. Recorded from Dec 2021 to August 2022, it's a kind of dark-pop opus slightly different from the other releases, but contains some songs which were used by Grosso Gadgetto (See more) as "Materia Prima" for remixes in "Snake Moult".
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: July 1, 2022
NLC vs Grosso Gadgetto are : Julien ASH and Christian Gonzalez
All music written, recorded + mixed by NLC vs Grosso Gadgetto, Jan/March 2022
All music written, recorded + mixed by NLC vs Grosso Gadgetto, Jan/March 2022
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Type: Album
Source: Bandcamp
Release date: October 1, 2004
A side-project between J. ASH (NLC) and PY Lebeau and Liesbeth Houdijk (Hide and Seek). This album depicts the sleeper's night with all the different sleep phases, some kind of an intimate diary.
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