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Invisible Illusion
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Type : Album
Source : Bandcamp
Date de sortie : 1 septembre 2022
The 8th July 2022 Antho is gone in the night. I would like it to be something more magic like in the OA series : a glide into the multiverse. The only thing I'm sure about is that I miss him so much. And I'm not the only one. The (Voir plus) weight of this loss is hard to measure, thru the years it's one of the very rare friend I had never lost. Without him, perhaps since 1995 I would be stuck in a psychiatric hospital, never coming to the surface behind my chemical straightjacket. I've done my first step as bass player at this time, but I had turned the amp nearly to zero because I didn't know how to play. Many years later I still don't know, but I can, so we tried in 2014 to play together in another band, disbanded before to release anything. He was not hiding that he was not understanding my experimental sound, mostly outsider music. Despite we were both found of Tuxedomoon, Dead Can Dance, Bauhaus, the Young Gods, Virgin Prunes, Christian Death and of course Killing Joke we were not playing the same kind of music. But we were respectful, like brothers do, to each one's differences. So perhaps he would not enjoy that much this virtual record, but would understand the intention to say goodbye to him by this way. I asked to Studio 112 who knew him before I do to help me on several tracks. This is our memorial to him.

You can listen his old music here
And his last compositions and his Killing Joke Covers here

I also released an album with remixes of some of his drum'n'bass tracks, because few months ago he talked with me about to create the music for an Aleister Crowley's Poem and I wanted to do another door linked more to his music, it's in free download here

Finally, I may add I think it's a blessing to leave such a sick society, death is not for me something to mourn about. At the scale of this world where everyday so many people sink in the sea, die by war or human handmade cataclysms all mostly because of the rich greedy people, it's only one amongst all the everyday atrocious deaths. But he was a very special friend to me. The only one who've been able to write me as birthday gift a portrait poem so accurate that it caught my real spirit.

Dedicated to all the wild boys who can't escape from pain.
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gerald Excellent 🤗
Type : Album
Source : Bandcamp
Date de sortie : 22 avril 2022
The Necrophile Hummingbird Netlabel presents Thee Mystery Unveiled by Invisible Illusion.
"Esoteric Music for Illuminated People".

About the surface of this album :

"What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly." (Fake Lao Tzu quote, which might come from Chuang Tzu talking about the transformation of things (Voir plus) )
Unthinkable, like in the psychedelic experience when you touch something and are unable to be bring it back in human consciousness, letting us with the question : from where this is coming ?
Indeed, the trademark of this netlabel...
Really the fruit of many changes. Another Invisible Illusion’s album more noise was planned to be release first but it’s now in standby, maybe because it’s too long for my actual tastes. Also, because despite there is a plan I try my best to learn and it seems the split form of the two first albums is not so relevant. Finally, I prefer the form we used with the two sides of Beyond Magick Dreams A-Side & B-Side by Multiple Personality 3 for example. This record could sounds like the right next after OVER CAN, but in fact it’s the opposite, we achieved it in Autumn 2021 just before to worked out OVER CAN.
So, don't be surprise if the borderline between Invisible Illusion and Pirate Tapes is actually very thin : it's a collaboration with Studio 112.

About the depths of this album :

Perhaps I could talk about the super ego in Isis Unveiled by H.P Blavatsky. And so explain that the mysterious signal, that many sensitive persons or precogs, like would say Philip K. Dick, is only coming from another part of each one hidden beyond a veil. Because of the latency, some do not understand that it creates a kind of reflection of our acts. So if instead to use it like any feedback system, we try to follow these orders we just get insane, the same way that someone looking into the mirror will fall into a mise en abîme…
I could...
But I may already talked about it in the presentation of the Necktar 2017 v2 related to this book… or somewhere else. And it’s definitively better to understand it by yourself than to read it from someone else.
If not, at that point you could feel close to face a magician showing his tricks...
What’s the point to live, if we can’t experiment by ourself ?

Good listen & thanks a lot for the support.
ed end

Video Art Clip
Soon or later here

Special thoughts to someone very dear to my friend Studio 112.

Dedicated to everyone aware that despite trying to live without any veils, behind each one there is another one, only invisible at this point. May the sūtra of the diamond be a blessing to advance in your quest.
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Type : Single track
Source : Soundcloud
Date de sortie : 4 mars 2022
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Type : Album
Source : Bandcamp
Date de sortie : 11 février 2022
The Necrophile Hummingbird Netlabel presents Electronic Control LP by Invisible Illusion.
"Kairological Music for Conditioned People".

I'm very happy that the second Invisible Illusion is a split with ardleg. Because ardleg is a companion of sound explorations since many years, in the collective KWAY or next in (Voir plus) La 6ème République also for Zone fusION despite it's still not published on the netlabel.
We are no more living in the same town but we try to keep collaborating thru time & space. Like I did with Humanfobia for the first invisible illusion TOHU WA BOHU
I sent the raw improvisation session to ardleg and he created these upgraded tracks listenable on the EP
And next I reworked a little the raw tracks adding several layers to two of them, reading poetry on another one and that's the LP.
I prefer call them EP and LP to avoid any order. That one would be before or after is irrelevant. You can listen first one or the other or both at the same time it's up to you, like for the world : alternatives are better.
Seems that one important point with Invisible Illusion project is to show the result of different development process apply to one source...

About the surface of this album :
I found a plastic turntable cover with the inscription "electronic control", it was transparent so I thought I would be able to made an interesting artwork cover by taking a shot thru this.
Then I decided to create an accurate music for it. After the quite dark Tohu Wa Bohu I wanted to slowly glide to the light.
That's why despite it could have been far more on the electronic side actually it sounds very industrial music with a touch of "jazz", not real jazz more the sort of dark jazz Mecano did on Autoportrait album.t.

Also the silence within silence has been record for the excellent compilation silence by Camembert Electrique. It's a slightly different version
than the both versions listenable on the LP.

About the depths of this album :

Do you remember ?
The first time you disobeyed to an order, not to something maybe acceptable from a skilled authority but from the kind of authoritarian people without skill, needing hierarchy power to show they are above the other, despite it could be just small team chief
with very little power, the smaller they are the more they need to prove it by being nasty. Do you remember how the struggle for this freedom make you aware of who you are ?
Disobedience is one thing but it's meaningful only if it leads to autonomy. What a pity if slaves break their iron chains to swap with golden chains.
I will try to talk the less possible about control, because it makes me sick, but it's the plot of this album.
There is only one song with real lyrics and Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche quotations, most of the music is echoing the feelings grown inside me in the last few years.
So since the covid excuse to build up the electronic control society, situation is awful, it was already the case several years ago : there was the increasing level of state violence, state terrorism and media censorship.
It can still get worst making us our own cops, all that black mirror shit already more than half happens.
If it needs to resume : shock strategy worked perfectly and now as some said there will be no way back without fighting for our rights.
Well this sounds naïve, if you remember the subprime crisis or the looting of Greece, you know that the dices are loaded : states, banks, multinationals create rules that they never really follow.
Corruption is the replication process of capitalism virus. So what ? Solidarity is the antidote.
Perhaps keep a space to think by yourself, act by yourself at your local level, your own way,
keep your dreams alive and don't feed the nightmare with your hopes. And at some point we may wake up.

All things begun with a little riddim joke came from a french broadcast,165-.html, talking of a kind of CON conspiracy : control, comfort, consumerism... when you dig words in C working in that same objective of freedom annihilation it's amazing because seems you can always ind a new one...
And that's the way all things end.
Good listen and thanks for the support.
ed end

Download the EP here

Video Art Clip
Soon or later here
Special thanks to Elmut Schwartz who helped to change Invisible Illusion's diapers.
Dedicated to everyone uncontrollable and subversive acting all over the world.
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Type : Single track
Source : Soundcloud
Date de sortie : 12 novembre 2021
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Type : Album
Source : Bandcamp
Date de sortie : 23 octobre 2021
Virtual free release party for Tohu Wa Bohu here

The Necrophile Hummingbird netlabel and Internet Daemon (Cian Orbe Netlabel) present
Tohu Wa Bohu Disc 1 & 2.
"Unreal Music for Real People" or "Real Music for Unreal People" ?

Disc 1 in free download here (Voir plus) href="" rel="nofollow" class="um-link" target="_blank">
Disc 2 in free download here

I'm very happy that the first Invisible Illusion is a split with Humanfobia. I orientated my sound with this project to be closer of witch house style for example because of Cian Orbe Netlabel compilations like this one and also because we share very close ideas about free music.
This is not the first time we do a split, we already did one "Strange Pearls" with other projects. But this time the process is slightly different, and that's why this is not a rADio eNd album, last summer I sent the raw improvisation session to Humanfobia and they created these upgraded tracks listenable on disc 2. And next I reworked a little the raw tracks adding one or two layers on one, reading poetry on another one and that's the disc 1.

While I was trying hard to cut out the Gordian knot about how to organise this split album, thinking about to melt our contributions in the playlist or to follow the rhythm progression for Humanfobia playlist etc, I noticed Humanfobia choice to base their tracks on the 10 egyptian plagues instead of me who based it on the seven plagues of the apocalypse. So I kept the 10 plagues order for the playlist and split the album in two discs.
This to point out that what could seems a missunderstanding could be more meaningfull about the way these two propheties could be link.
Same way I'm not that much in apocalypse topic, really not into collapsology I didn't choice the theme, it comes by itself. But I noticed that in addition of "The World is Over !", and despite it's still not achieve we've got a Multiple Personality 3 album called Glauko Psyche waiting since several years amongst other things like the french lyrics of Paroxysmic Rhapsody with that sort of end of time theme. Perhaps it's only because that I feel everything around, I don't make any statement about it I just think there are many signs. So perhaps the way this album is organise could talk about the way it's organise between real life and myths, who knows ?
I can only hope each one is conscious about the disasters humanity is spreading over this world.
And that we will not let this rot like a larva wasting its ressources before turn into butterfly and then diying stupidly.
But that we will do obvious choices to stop all this shit. There is a time to think and a time to act.

Last thing this is a share of free culture, and it's not a hasard if there are two poems ( In french here ) from an anonymous writer in this album,
free culture is not only the opposite of property but also of narcissic behavior. It was so good to read the writer answer to do whatever I want because its writing owns itself.
This is one of Brion Gysin & William S Burroughs legacy : the Cut-Up teaching shows that most of the artist live only with the illusion to be generator,
because everything is a permanent mix of conscious and subconscious sources. Others know they are only mediums and care of their artworks that way. I mean if we bring children on earth it's for they do their own choices. Not to be steril clones stuck in a loop.

I struggle for free culture since more than 20 years because the free share of ressources seems for me the key for a world no more rule by nations or multinational corporations.
And that's one of the things I'm talking about we are all connected to each one, and we need to get ride of the separation illusion.
Invisible Illusion may be a kind of key.
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